Consulting Services

In order for your business to grow and become more profitable, you may need some guidance along the way.  We will work with your business to:

  1. Improve your cash flow

  2. Review of revenue and expenses

  3. Prepare budgets and forecasts

  4. Monitor and control inventory

  5. Calculate burden and overhead rates

  6. Software selection and implementation

Other Services

  1. Due Diligence - Buying or selling a business or investment property

  2. Provide oversite for banking, insurance, and legal relationships

  3. Accounting policies and procedures

  4. Fraud accounting

  5. Strategic business and financial planning

  6. Mergers and acquisitions

  7. Litigation support

  8. Risk management

  9. Forecasting and budgeting

  10. Investor relationships

  11. Inventory control and job costing

  12. Cash flow management

  13. Profit analysis